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Unleash Your Creativity with Our Customizable Paper Solutions.
Harbora Paper is an OEM manufacturer specializing in paper decoration products. Our product series includes Paper Honeycomb Ornaments, Paper Furniture, Paper Window Display, paper straw, and paper cutlery.
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Paper Cutlery
Our paper decoration products are meticulously crafted to bring beauty and elegance to any space.
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Scable Paper Straw
Our paper straws will not get soggy or disintegrate for 3 hours and will not fall apart for at least 24 hours.
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Standard Paper Straw
To achieve 1 more hour of service life, we use the top-class kraft paper coated with waterproof gloss oil.
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Paper Coffee Mixing Stick
Our paper straws will not get soggy or disintegrate for 3 hours and will not fall apart for at least 24 hours.
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Smoothie Paper Straw
In the world, we are helping our customers to replace traditional non-biodegradable petrochemical plastic products.
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Paper Honeycomb Ornaments
With our expertise in paper artistry, we create unique and customizable decorations that will impress and inspire.
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Standard Paper Straw
To achieve 1 more hour of service life, we use the top-class kraft paper coated with waterproof gloss oil.
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Paper Coffee Mixing Stick
Our paper straws will not get soggy or disintegrate for 3 hours and will not fall apart for at least 24 hours.
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we create revolutionary paper products
– ultralight, sustainable and designed
to fit your needs
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